Sunday, January 31, 2010

Intro. :D

This is only in case anyone reads this blog. Hahaha.

Hi. My name`s Ianna, well, it`s actually Alyssa Christianna, but yeah, just call me either Aly or Ianna. :))

I`ve been writing songs and poems since I was, well, 6 maybe. I don`t really remember, but I`ve seen a small music notebook with all my old compositions may it be about food, or a fight, or how much I love something. Hahaha. I stopped writing t the age of 8 and well, did nothing. In grade 4( I was about 9 or 10), I learned to play the guitar, then I started writing again. :)

Well, this blog is, well, my compositions from the year 2008 `til now. I don`t think I`ll be updating as much as I used to in my past blogs.

You might want to notice how masochistic, and well, sad these are, but I grew up really pessimistic, so yeah, forgive me for this. I HAD a broken faith in God, then, but I`ve changed, and now, I really believe in God, and try my best to pray and make Him happy. I won`t post ALL my compositions though. :))
Just the ones I feel like posting. Heehee. :D

Okaaay, that was UBER long.
Take care, and God bless!

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